My Approach
Before I start a massage, I always look at my client's body and posture, to see if I can spot an obvious problem, which can be addressed with a specific massage.
I also ask my client if he or she feels pain anywhere, or if there is a certain area in the body the client wants me to focus on.
I usually adapt the massage to what the body and mind of my client needs, by combining techniques of different types of massages.
For example; I created a treatment that I call the Mystic Massage, which is a combination of Reiki, Craniosacral, Fascia Release Massage and Foot Reflexology. This massage usually works very well on a physical, mental and energetic level.
And for an extra strong energetic effect, and to create a magical experience for my clients, I offer the opportunity to undergo this special treatment outside, where the body can connect with the energy of the surrounding nature of Ibiza.